Instructional Resources

Assessment Strategies: Considerations for Remote Instruction

“Nothing that we do to, or for, our students is more important than our assessment of their work and the feedback we give them on it. The results of our assessment influence our students for the rest of their lives and careers — fine if we get it right, but unthinkable if we get it wrong.”

(Race, Brown, & Smith, 2005, p. xi)

The following information provides ways of assessing learners within the Brightspace environment.

Assessment Types

Class Participation


  • Participation in class discussion helps the learner to reflect on the topic, to think how it applies to them, and helps them to internalize content.
  • Discussions enable learners to express their thoughts on a topic.
  • Discussions encourage learners to keep up with the class schedule.
  • Discussions enable the instructor to see who is understanding the material and who may be struggling.

Questions and Quizzes (using the Brightspace Quizzes Tool)


  • Enables easy grading of quizzes.
  • Can provide a large variety of question types.
  • Can provide automatic feedback.



  • There is a lot of flexibility in the type of paper.
  • Learners are familiar with this.



  • Learners can creatively express themselves in a variety of formats.
  • Easy to grade.
  • Can use a variety of tools/applications.

Micro-blog (Twitter)


  • Encourages learners to be clear and concise in their writing. Since the tweets are short, they can be quick to read.
  • Great for courses that are discussing current events.



  • Great way to show things that may be difficult to do via text; e.g., interviews, hands on activities.
  • Easy to grade.



  • A great method of assessing learner knowledge of a topic without having learners submit written work.
  • Easy to grade.



  • Learners can create over time and can include a variety of artifacts to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and understanding.
  • Easy to set up.
  • Fairly easy to grade, especially if there is a rubric in place. 



  • Can create options for learners.
  • Easy to set up.
  • Fairly easy to grade, especially if there is a rubric in place. 

Peer Review


  • Learners review each others work, enabling them to learn from one another.
  • Learners develop critical thinking skills.
  • Instructors have a more polished product to read, review, thus grading is faster.


  • Race, P., Brown, S., & Smith, B. (2005). 500 Tips on assessment. (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Falmer.

Resource created by: Daph C.

Originally Published: April 2, 2020